Feeling quite cheery on the 5th of September I strolled down to the closest McGame store after work assuming there would be some copies of Wright's new epic. Luckily there was and after a few minutes of resisting the urge to get the galactic edition I headed home, eager. I popped the game in and away I went for a spectacular 35 minutes followed by a Belgian blue taking gigantic, cold dump on my face. My computer goes belly up and a second later the Windows loading screen is displaying. Quite sure I had just traveled back in time to 35 minutes earlier, I thought well shit happens and went on to play again. Started a new creature straight in the creature stage and enjoyed a full 15 minutes ov devouring bunny-wombats when again the mighty blue bovine pressed his scrotum against me and unleashed brown-blue furious rage.
A slight pinch of panic started travelling from my gut up my spine. Okay, once can happen... twice.... can it be? I started looking at the forums, about every third topic on Gamefaqs was "CANT INSTALL", "CRASH", FREEZE", "COMPUTER REBOOTS". A long sigh later I started browsing for fixes, but as the game is barely released in the US, this was of course a waste of time. I started blaming myself, my vid card IS intergrated, but then again the readme says "should work satisfactorily on low settings". So I went on a tweaking spree. I increased the shared RAM for the vidcard, I updated to the latest ATI drivers and updated and lowered every setting possible.
I double-clicked that jeering, manically laughing icon again. After the three minute loading time that appears to be normal, the game fills my screen. Crossing my fingers I launch yet another creature. Looking around my nest I gang up with another hunter and head towards the nearest nest of prey. Me and my buddy quickly butcher half the nest and just as I bow down to feed a humongous blueish thing jumps out from behind my desk, knocks the monitor aside and performs an elegant 259kg elbow drop on my crotch.
After having gone through every single thread on the technical support forums for this game as well as numrous more google seaches, I had amassed a ton of threads with this exact same issue, most of them seem to have been with ATI cards. Beyond that, it's actually astounding how much backlash the release of this game has seen. People are simply furious.
I noticed during my previous workday before the game was released that the reviews were quite meiocre for a game of this scope and the threads that weren't about technical issue were screaming about how the game apparently sucked. Now I wont stoop so low as to concur without having played through the game, but not being able to play it, surely qualifies a game as being a bukkakefest of Belgian proportions. Fuck you Will. I followed this game for three long gaming years and as everyone else, concurred that you must be a genius. But judging by the maggot ridden shit you delivered and your own damn words in this article; I can only agree no matter how brilliant you used to be, you are now truly the EA posterboy no one thought you would be. Now be a good boy and go join Vanilla Ice and Hammer down the 7th level.
I noticed during my previous workday before the game was released that the reviews were quite meiocre for a game of this scope and the threads that weren't about technical issue were screaming about how the game apparently sucked. Now I wont stoop so low as to concur without having played through the game, but not being able to play it, surely qualifies a game as being a bukkakefest of Belgian proportions. Fuck you Will. I followed this game for three long gaming years and as everyone else, concurred that you must be a genius. But judging by the maggot ridden shit you delivered and your own damn words in this article; I can only agree no matter how brilliant you used to be, you are now truly the EA posterboy no one thought you would be. Now be a good boy and go join Vanilla Ice and Hammer down the 7th level.