So here we are and again we will soon be putting the bolter to green heads will kicking back and watching our dreadnoughts tear disgusting space-elves in half while quite excessively finishing them off with some heavy flaming. The confirmed races so far are the obvious Space Marines, Orks, Eldar and ??? The speculation is still running high but observed from the trailer, which you can find here, you will see a red/brownish hazy cloud which could very well be the much needed Tyranids or equally awesome, Chaos. But Chaos has been done well by this point, featured in pretty much every Warhammer game ever released and its about time the Blood Ravens faced the real bully of the universe. Chaos is the taunting teazy kid that finds you weakness and never lets go while Tyranids are that weird autistic goatlike kid that eats erasers, glue and whatever comes in his way, emptying locker after locker.
No details have yet been revealed about the multiplayer aspect but there seems to be interesting stuff going on in singleplayer. We will see fewer squads this time and it will be more tactically focused. There will also be an RPG aspect fused with the game, featuring loot and equipment as well, though random drops have not been confirmed. This I like and I will happily pimp up my Commander while smashing through bug and elf. Hopefully there will be upgrades for normal infantry and vehicles as well. Between missions you will be placed in your battlebarge, managing your troops and picking out the next target on a strategic map, more involved this time than in Dark Crusade and that other expansion not worthy of mention.

The campaign is said to feature Men VS Orks but I am fairly certain it will twist around about halfway through the game as Tyranids enter the map to feed, while due to a "misunderstanding" the Blood Ravens will xenophocially fight the eldar who are only really trying to protect the galazy from the tyranids, that is assuming the storywriting off previous games upholds the same low standard we have gotten used to. Hopefully the nids will be playable in MP and skirmish. As the tabletop recently got a new ruleset, my interest in the game has sparked and I am already lurking ebay for a new swarm of doombugs to wipe you off the map. Time will tell.
We will se multiplayer news in a few weeks, so I will get back on that then.
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