A bit late on the news here but yes. There are now offical videos and images of Tyranids in Dawn of war 2. As an avid fan of the monsters you can imagine me rolling the floor spasmic with love for the world and Relic in particular. So far I have spotted Warriors, Carnifex, Hive Tyrant, Lictor, Raveners and of course gaunts. So far no genestealers reported, to my knowledge, but leaving them out would be no less that detrimental to the experience. So far the new game has turned out to be a real fanpleaser with the new elements added so I can't imagine they leave this out.
Yes Blizzard, for all your incredible games and wonderful storylines and creative direction, Tyranids remain the mother and far superior race to Zerg. They are like the dinky-toy version of Nids and while a huge fan of both, I still can't believe people who would argue that Zerg are not derived from the Nids.
Is that Ravener.... trying to get tanned?
That horrible fanboy discussion aside. We will not be getting a nid campaign (they are too badass for dialogue) as confirmed by Relic. There will be one long and in-depth Space Marine campaign, however it has also been acknolwedged that the Nids, Eldar, Orks and obviously Marines are all playable in multiplayer and skirmish. The inteview linked to above by IGN with Relic suggested that base building might still be in the multi-player aspect while removed and replaced by a tactical equiping interface in the Single player mission, as mentioned previously
Extended Dow2 trailer with alternate ending
Tyranid trailer from those brownnosed bastards
Interview with Relic regarding Tyranids
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